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11 Questions to a DJ:

1. When did your passion for music begin, and can you describe your journey to becoming a DJ?
2. What or who are your biggest inspirations when it comes to creating and performing music?
3. How would you define your DJ style and the genres or influences that shape your sound?
4. Can you take us through the process of creating a DJ set, from selecting tracks to engaging with the audience?
5. From your perspective, what role does music play in society, and what impact do you strive to have on your audience?
6. Have there been any DJs or specific musical pieces that significantly influenced your development as an artist?
7. How do you navigate the balance between expressing your musical identity and meeting the expectations of your audience or the music industry?
8. What do you hope people feel or experience when they listen to your sets, and are there specific messages you aim to convey through your music?
9. Can you share a pivotal moment or experience in your career that has shaped your approach to DJing?
10. How do you envision your musical style evolving in the future, and are there any new techniques or technologies you're interested in exploring?
11. Finally, what advice would you offer to aspiring DJs who are embarking on their journey in the music industry?


Hello beautiful friend!

I hope you are well, I would like to share with you a little art project called Nari Shakti, derived from Sanskrit, 'nari' which means' women' and 'shakti' which means "power'. Today the term is used to symbolize women taking charge of their own lives.

NARI SHAKTI is a force that transcends boundaries and defies limitations. It embodies strength, resilience, and the unwavering determination to overcome challenges. The essence of women's power lies in the ability to uplift, inspire, and create positive change in the world. It is a driving force behind progress, innovation, and equality, the diversity and uniqueness of every individual, recognizing the immense potential that lies within each woman. NARI SHAKTI empowers others, creating a ripple effect that shapes a more inclusive and equitable society for all. Women have long been traversing the realms of music and art, leaving an indelible mark on both industries. Through their creativity and vision, they have challenged norms, shattered boundaries, and inspired generations. In music, women have wielded their voices and talents to convey powerful messages, evoke emotions, and spark change. From the soul-stirring lyrics of singer-songwriters to the electrifying performances of musicians, women have carved out a space that is uniquely their own.

Similarly, in the world of art, women have explored diverse themes, styles, and mediums to express their perspectives and experiences. Through sounds, photography, dance, music, paintings, sculptures, and installations, they have captured the essence of womanhood, celebrated resilience, and confronted societal issues. Their works serve as a testament to their strength, creativity, and unwavering spirit.

As women continue to move through the realms of music and art, they pave the way for future generations to embrace their voices, express their truths, and shape the cultural landscape. Their journey is one of triumph, resilience, and boundless creativity, leaving an enduring legacy that resonates far beyond the confines of time and space.

While the concept of women being magical is often romanticized and idealized, it is essential to recognize that women are complex, diverse individuals with a range of abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. The idea of women as magical beings can be empowering, highlighting their resilience, creativity, and intuition. However, it is crucial to appreciate women for their humanity, their accomplishments, and their contributions to society beyond mystical stereotypes. Celebrating the unique qualities and capabilities of women can inspire positive change and progress towards gender equality.

Join the NARI SHAKTI Movement by Makú Project

At MAKÚ Project, we are committed to advancing the women's movement by amplifying the voices of artists, musicians, and creators. Our platform serves as a space for showcasing the diverse talents of women, paving the way for their much-deserved recognition.

Through our gatherings and events, we aim to create enriching experiences that allow individuals to embark on profound journeys of self-discovery and empowerment. These gatherings will not only celebrate creativity but also foster connections that transcend boundaries.

Furthermore, we strive to highlight women whose life stories serve as guiding beacons for others. By sharing these narratives with our 11 Questions interview (QUES11ONS) , we hope to inspire and uplift individuals on their own paths towards personal and professional fulfillment.

Join us as we champion women in the arts and embark on a collective journey towards a more inclusive and empowering future. Let's celebrate creativity, diversity, and the transformative power of artistic expression together. We invite you to be part of a transformative journey towards women empowerment. Your unique wisdom and talents have the remarkable ability to inspire and initiate positive change in the lives of countless women around the globe.

Embrace your strengths, celebrate your achievements, and share your experiences to uplift and motivate those alongside you. By coming together, we can cultivate a nurturing community of support and growth, fostering an environment where every woman's voice is heard and valued.

Let's unite in solidarity, recognizing that each of us brings something distinct and valuable to the table. Through our individual contributions, we can collectively amplify the strength and potential of women everywhere, paving the way for a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

Join us on this empowering journey, where your actions and words can make a profound difference. Together, let's create a world where every woman thrives and where empowerment knows no bounds.#wearenarishakti

Makú Project

∞ Artist ∞ Yogi∞ Nature lover ∞ Dreamer

1. What does it feel like to be a woman in XXI century?

In the contemporary landscape, women face a myriad of challenges yet are presented with diverse opportunities as well. The key challenges range from gender discrimination and unequal pay to societal expectations and limited access to leadership roles. On the other hand, women today have more platforms to voice their opinions, access to education and career opportunities, and a growing support network for empowerment.

Navigating through these hurdles, women are employing various strategies to achieve their goals. Many are advocating for gender equality in workplaces and communities, pushing for policies that promote inclusivity and fair treatment. Networking and mentorship programs have become instrumental in sharing experiences and fostering growth. Additionally, the rise of social media and digital platforms has enabled women to amplify their voices and mobilize for change on a global scale.

Despite the challenges that persist, women in this generation are resilient, resourceful, and determined to break barriers and shatter stereotypes. By harnessing opportunities, leveraging their skills, and supporting each other, women are forging paths towards achieving their aspirations and contributing meaningfully to society.

2. Do you think that they are there enough platforms and opportunities for women in the arts to showcase their talent and creativity on an equal footing with their male counterparts?

As an individual who has found fulfillment and purpose in building a wellness space in Colombia, I have come to realize the profound impact of the arts in transforming lives and connecting individuals to their inner selves. While my focus has been on guiding others towards their potential and well-being, I acknowledge the importance of providing equal platforms and opportunities for women in the arts to showcase their talent and creativity alongside their male counterparts.

The arts have a unique ability to inspire, heal, and provoke thought, making it essential for women to have equal footing in sharing their voices and perspectives. However, the question of whether there are enough platforms for women in the arts to showcase their talents remains complex and multifaceted. While progress has been made in recent years towards gender equality in the arts, disparities still exist in terms of representation, recognition, and opportunities.

Creating a more inclusive and diverse landscape in the arts requires ongoing efforts to challenge stereotypes, break down barriers, and amplify the voices of women artists. By promoting gender equality and providing support for women in the arts, we can cultivate a more vibrant and inclusive creative community that celebrates the diverse talents and perspectives of all individuals.

As I continue to find meaning and healing through my work in the wellness space and music, I am reminded of the power of creativity to connect us to our inner selves and to something greater than ourselves. It is my hope that by fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in the arts, we can harness the transformative power of creativity to inspire, uplift, and empower individuals from all walks of life.

3. How can you harness the magical power within you to cultivate gratitude and positivity in your daily routines?

To harness the magical power within you and cultivate gratitude and positivity in your daily routines, it is essential to start by fostering self-awareness. Take the time to identify and appreciate your strengths, achievements, and the blessings in your life. By recognizing your inner power and the positive aspects of your life, you can nurture a sense of gratitude that will radiate into your daily interactions and experiences.

Practicing mindfulness is another powerful tool to tap into your magical inner power. By staying present in the moment, you can fully appreciate the beauty and wonders that surround you each day. Mindfulness allows you to let go of negative thoughts and worries, making space for gratitude and positivity to flourish.

Engaging in acts of kindness and compassion is a tangible way to harness your inner magic and spread positivity. By extending a helping hand to others, you not only make a positive impact on their lives but also fuel your own sense of fulfillment and gratitude.

Lastly, incorporating daily rituals such as meditation, journaling, or affirmations can help reinforce a sense of gratitude and positivity within you. These practices allow you to connect with your inner self, express thanks for the abundance in your life, and set positive intentions for the day ahead.

By embracing these strategies, you can tap into the magical power within you to cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity that will enhance your daily routines and overall well-being.

4. As we look ahead, it's crucial to consider the pivotal role that women in music and art can play in shaping the future. In the next 5 years, what concrete and attainable goals can be set to advance gender equality and empower women in these fields? What specific steps are essential for achieving these aspirations?

Embracing Gender Equality in Music and Art: Setting Attainable Goals

As we gaze into the future, recognizing the fundamental impact of women in music and art is paramount for driving progress and shaping a more inclusive cultural landscape. Over the next five years, several concrete and attainable goals can be established to advance gender equality and empower women in these creative domains.

  1. Representation and Recognition

    • Goal: Increase the representation of women artists in music and art exhibitions, festivals, and awards ceremonies.

    • Steps: Actively seek out and promote the work of female artists, ensure diverse programming that reflects gender equality, and establish initiatives to recognize and honor women's contributions.

  2. Education and Mentorship

    • Goal: Provide greater resources and support for female musicians and artists to foster their skills and confidence.

    • Steps: Develop mentorship programs, workshops, and educational initiatives tailored to women in music and art, offering guidance, networking opportunities, and access to resources for career development.

  3. Equal Opportunities and Pay Equity

    • Goal: Ensure equal opportunities and fair compensation for women across all levels of the music and art industries.

    • Steps: Implement transparent hiring practices, support equal representation in leadership roles, address pay disparities, and advocate for policies that promote gender pay equity and professional advancement.

  4. Safe and Inclusive Spaces

    • Goal: Create safe and inclusive environments that champion diversity and empower women to freely express themselves.

    • Steps: Establish codes of conduct to prevent harassment and discrimination, provide resources for reporting and addressing misconduct, cultivate inclusive spaces that celebrate diverse voices, and support initiatives that promote gender diversity and equality.

  5. Community Engagement and Advocacy

    • Goal: Foster a supportive community that advocates for gender equality and amplifies women's voices in music and art.

    • Steps: Engage in dialogue, raise awareness about gender issues, collaborate with advocacy groups, support grassroots movements for gender equality, and leverage platforms to amplify the visibility of women artists and their stories.

5. As hormones play a crucial role in regulating various aspects of women's health, including stress levels, have you recently evaluated how your hormonal fluctuations may be influencing your creative processes? How are you presently coping with stress, and are there healthier strategies for managing it that you could consider adopting to potentially enhance your creativity?

Hormonal fluctuations can indeed impact creative processes in various ways, as they influence mood, energy levels, and cognitive functions. While it's essential to be aware of these influences, the complexity of hormonal interactions makes it challenging to pinpoint their precise effects on creativity.

Managing stress is key to nurturing creativity, regardless of hormonal fluctuations. Presently, coping mechanisms such as mindfulness practices, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and maintaining a balanced diet can help alleviate stress. However, exploring additional strategies like journaling, meditation, or seeking professional guidance from a therapist or counselor could offer further support in managing stress effectively.

By adopting healthier stress management techniques tailored to individual needs, one can potentially create a more conducive environment for creativity to flourish. Understanding the interplay between hormones, stress, and creative processes is a continuous journey of self-discovery and self-care.I meditate and I am doing a lot breath work in my kundalini class, I def feel a lot better since kundalini is part of my life, I am more in charge of my emotions and hormones moments.

6. who do you think is the must influence female artist of these times

From trailblazing painters challenging conventions to boundary-pushing sculptors redefining art, identifying a singular most influential female artist of our times is an intricate task. The art world today is a diverse tapestry of talent, where luminaries like Yayoi Kusama, Ai Weiwei, and Marina Abramović have left an indelible mark. Each artist brings a unique perspective, sparking conversations and shaping cultural landscapes. In this dynamic milieu, defining a sole influential figure is a complex exercise, as the impact of these artists reverberates in different spheres of contemporary art, making each a compelling force in their own right.

7. Do you believe in the power of music and art to inspire, heal, and bring diverse communities together?

As a neutral observer, the impact of music and art in inspiring, healing, and uniting diverse communities is a topic that resonates with many. Through the universal language of creativity, both mediums have proven to transcend boundaries, fostering connections and understanding among individuals from different backgrounds. While some may credit music and art for their ability to evoke powerful emotions, promote empathy, and spark meaningful conversations, others may hold different perspectives on their influence. Ultimately, the belief in the power of music and art to inspire, heal, and bring communities together is a complex and multifaceted issue that varies depending on personal experiences and cultural contexts.

8. Do you belive mindfulness help individuals strengthen their connection to their artistic abilities and creative expression?

As an abstract concept, the relationship between mindfulness and artistic abilities is a topic that intrigues many. Mindfulness, with its emphasis on present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance, has the potential to enhance an individual's connection to their creative expression.

Through mindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing techniques, individuals may cultivate a heightened sense of self-awareness and attentiveness to their surroundings. This increased awareness can lead to a deeper understanding of one's emotions, thoughts, and sensory experiences, providing a rich source of inspiration for artistic endeavors.

Moreover, by fostering a state of mental clarity and focus, mindfulness can help individuals overcome creative blocks and self-doubt that often hinder the artistic process. The ability to engage fully in the act of creation without being consumed by past regrets or future anxieties allows artists to tap into their inner creativity more freely.

While the connection between mindfulness and artistic abilities is not a one-size-fits-all solution, many individuals have reported positive outcomes from incorporating mindfulness practices into their creative routines. Ultimately, the impact of mindfulness on artistic expression may vary from person to person, but its potential to deepen one's connection to their creativity is worth exploring further.

9. How you encourage the younger generation of women to cultivate self-belief and confidence in themselves?

To encourage the younger generation of women to cultivate self-belief and confidence in themselves, we believe in the power of mentor ship and positive reinforcement. By providing young women with strong role models who exemplify self-as sureness and resilience, we can inspire them to believe in their abilities and potential.

Additionally, creating a supportive environment where young women feel listened to, valued, and empowered is crucial. Encouraging them to set realistic goals, take on challenges, and celebrate their achievements can help build their self-esteem and confidence over time.

Equally important is fostering a culture that promotes self-care, self-compassion, and self-acceptance. Teaching young women to prioritize their well-being, embrace their strengths and weaknesses, and practice self-love can contribute to a strong foundation of self-belief and confidence.

Ultimately, by instilling in the younger generation of women the belief that they are capable, worthy, and deserving of success, we can empower them to navigate life's challenges with courage and conviction.

10.What is the true essence of happiness?

Happiness, at its core, is a complex interplay of emotions and experiences that bring joy, contentment, and fulfillment into our lives. It is the feeling of deep satisfaction and well-being that arises when we are aligned with our innermost desires and values. True happiness transcends momentary pleasures; it dwells in the realm of authenticity and connection. It thrives in moments of compassion, gratitude, and acceptance, cultivating a sense of harmony within ourselves and with the world around us. Ultimately, the true essence of happiness lies in our ability to find meaning, purpose, and peace in both the mundane and extraordinary aspects of life.



Makú Project